About Us


Everything our lives are crusted with; what we enjoy, what we are passionate about, what we fear and what we dream of. This is Lifecrust. What we choose to be part of our living, what we keep as our knowledge shield.

What you enjoy reading about, we have passion writing on. We share advice, tips and words of wisdom; life and others have given us. Our mission is to give you something worthwhile to read, something you can leisurely read through in your lunch break, or after an exhausting day.

Give us a minute or two and we will give back what others simply can’t; substantial life knowledge. Lifecrust provides you both the armor and jewels of life, that is, its wisdom and little indulgences.

Here on Lifecrust you can access a variety of articles on a plethora of subjects, from Business and Finance, to Shopping and Health. Your daily briefing on all the things that matter in one single place. We don’t want you to miss anything, that’s why we cater for all your online needs.

Be the better version of you, we can show you how.

A few articles featured on Lifecrust are sponsored by third party companies. That is, Lifecrust, accepts financial remuneration for occasionally featuring third party products and services. The advertising agreement is based on the fact that Lifecrust readers might be prompted in trying the featured product and/or service when reading our articles.

Lifecrust articles however, that endorse advertiser’s products and services, are governed by each company’s respective terms and conditions. Thus, since Lifecrust neither produces, nor directly sells these products, but only represents them on its platform, it is crucial that one carefully reads their terms and conditions. It is often the case that a divergence will exist between our terms and conditions and those of our advertisers.

Non-affiliate articles are brainchildren of qualified writers from various backgrounds and cultures, ensuring that a catholic and comprehensive perspective is offered to you. Our Editor-in-Chief, Polina Hadjipanayiotou, herself author of many of the articles on Lifecrust, ensures that all articles published herein, are valuable to our readers. The website is driven and maintained by our technology partner, Nablasol, who do an excellent job to keep this website running.

While still here, we would like to thank you for visiting our website, hopefully you will find relevant and interesting articles to read and share. Enjoy.

All your questions will be answered here: info @ lifecrust . com