10 Weirdest Libraries in the World that will shock You!

A Library are like a heaven for bibliophiles. They can spend their entire lifetime in a library lost in the world of books. Here are some the weirdest libraries in the world you would certainly like to see once in your lifetime.

1. Picture Book Library- Iwaki City, Japan

The picture Book Museum was built in 2005 by the architect Tadao Ando. The founder of the library wanted to design a space that would be irresistible to the students. The library is vibrant, colorful and an architectural masterpiece.

2. An outdoor Bookshelf- Sydney, Australia

Built in 2010 on Bondi beach near sydney, it is the world’s largest outdoor bookshelf. The shelves are filled with roughly 6,000 books.

3. Arma de Instruccion Masiva (Weapon of Mass Instruction): Attacking With Knowledge- South America

Made by artist Raul Lemesoff from an old 1979 Ford Falcona, a popular mode of transport amongst the military forces of its time by transforming it into a mobile library shaped like a tank. The libraray roams in the streets of Buenos Aires, attacking it’s people with knowledge.

4. The Levinski Garden Library- Israel

Founded in 2010 as a social artistic urban community project, it is a library for refugees and migrant workers. It is located in the Levinski Park, by the Tel Aviv central bus station where migrant workers congregate on weekends.

5. The National Library- Minsk, Belarus

The 23-storey library is designed in the form of a diamond which symbolises the enormous value of knowledge that mankind has stored in books. The building is covered with glass panels and during the day all 24 sides sparkle like a real diamond.

6. Epos, a floating Library

A floating library filled with 6,000 books called Epos travels to more than 250 small communities on islands in the Norwegian fjords every year between September and April. It’s crew consists of a captain, a cook, a couple librarians, and a couple “entertainers.” The service is paid for by the three counties which it serves during the snowy months.

7. Li Yuan Library- Beijing

A community library on the outskirts of Beijing built using firewood collected from the village as one of its primary building materials. While the exterior of the building looks plain, every aspect of the interior of this unique public space is spectacular and seems to reflect the natural beauty in the hillside outdoors.

8. Amin, Batu- Indonesia

The exterior of this unique library is constructed out of seven cargo containers with three main containers, the blue containers for popular reading and entertainment books, yellow is women’s reading space and red room is for science and technology books. The library has some 6,000 books which the readers can read for free.

9. Mechanical library- 24 Hours Vending Machines

Book vending machines have been around since the 1930s, but in recent years more and more libraries are taking advantage of them, placing them on busy streets, at train stations, and in shopping centers.

10. Kansas City Library- USA

An awesome array of giant book spines covers the exterior walls of the parking garage of this library. The building that houses the library was originally built as a bank in 1906, with marble and mahogany-covered grandeur.

Categories: Arts & Literature
Ishmeet Kaur: A future economist.