Fatal Job Interview Mistakes to Avoid

You’ve been courting that company for months now taking all creative measures necessary. Finally there’s an opening. This might be it, you think.

Well, not wanting to sound cynic, but there are common traps to be avoided, if there’s a chance for you getting that position – or just even getting in the top 3 candidates.

Confidence-When its too much?

You want the interviewer to realize that your manifestation of self-esteem springs from your skills and experience you (ideally already) have. But where is the red line? It’s really difficult to know when you are way coming across as too confident

More often than not, how much confidence you will have, considerably depends on the attitude of the HR guy/girl.

Confidence equals aspiration, experience, and passion— but only when in the right amount. Anything beyond that will make you come off as conceited and stuck-up and nobody wants such a person in their office.

Balance is key, be confident enough to convince the other person of your talents, but don’t overdo it, don’t pretend to be something beyond your true self.

Just smile and pretend you're calm!

Body (and) Language

As established, you will indirectly exhibit your passion and experience through your self-confidence during the interview. Now respect and dedication are two virtues you will be signaling through your body. And its language of course.

Here comes the cliché; dress for the part; if you want to be taken seriously, act like it. Gestures, appearance, facial expressions, the subtlest of expressions can and will be used against you in the recruiting room.

The more careful you are with the type of vibes you’re sending; the greatest your chances of making a nice impression. Your expression of modesty, confidence or arrogance will have as much influence on the recruiter’s decision as will your experience and other skills.

Any over-exaggerated sign of fondness towards the company will come off as fake and affected. The sames applies for any aloof, lackadaisical attitude. It is bound to be interpreted as apathy.

State of mind

Last but not least, be calm and unperturbed. Whatever question or other aptitude test comes your way, hold onto your coolness and exhibit a monstrously unflustered composition.

Keeping your cool is a rarity during interviews. If you manage to remain in control, this will get you extra points.

Not freaking out for stumbling on a question and running with a speed of light out of the door, is nothing short of a lifetime achievement. After all; who’s seen a friendly, nonthreatening job recruiter these days?

What’s your fail-proof tip for job interviews, do share!

Categories: Careers
Mamta Verma: passionate writer