Finding the time to self-improve is 6 steps away

Whenever I hear someone talking about self-growth and self-improvement I magically zone out. Everyone seems to be so obsessed with self-improvement yet somehow they are ridiculously vague about it. Everyone tells you you need to improve but no one tells you practical ways to do so.

How do you manage to self-develop in this chaotic digital world that all that it seems to be doing is robbing you off of precious time? You fight back with the same coin.

1. Read voraciously, everywhere and despite where you are, the sub, your break, at a boring lecture. Reading (quality) books allows you to discover pieces of wisdom. There’s really not enough time to read all great books ever written but you might as well try.

2. Sleep but don’t overdo it.  Take heed from people who never sleep more than 5 hours, see how their lives are in order, efficient and onto the road to success. Being a sleep slave can only keep you away from whatever you are trying to become.

 3. Take up challenges— irrespective of how insanely bizarre they might be. It’s in these brief moments of unleashed freedom and impromptu actions that we disover who we truly are. Try things you would normally instantly reject, try seeing a new perspective on issues, take an out-of-your-comfort-zone hobby. Experiment, fail, experiment a bit more!

4. Journal.You might laugh thinking dairy-keeping is for little girls, but keeping a journal is one of the most cathartic and self-revelatory activities you can implement in your daily life. Get a journal or create one on your most-used device and whenever you feel like it, write in it. Thoughts, questions, frustrations and complaints, anything goes. Think of it as your free psychoanalyst.

Self growth is a matter of facing your demons

5.Find momentum where it’s less likely to be hidden. Despite what most people say, momentum doesn’t fall from the sky, if you can attract it through meditation and spirituality then good for you, for the rest of us, momentum comes from primitive sources, competition, to-do lists, external pressure, to name a few, these are what usually get us going. Don’t let them frustrate you, they are your motive.

 6.Weekend-investing. Stop thinking of them as two-day breaks you do nothing during. Take some time to rest and recompose, but also invest in your weekends. They can be great time-windows for getting all those self-development goals achieved.


Categories: Careers
Mamta Verma: passionate writer