Shine in Your First Job Interview

Finally, you’re already out of college and you’re now up to take another chapter in your life – the career part. This is what you’ve been dreaming of while you’re still in school – to graduate, work in an office with a big window, dress up with corporate attire, and cross the city pedestrian lanes together with other professionals. “This is it!” You tell yourself. But what is this tedious thing that you didn’t see coming or maybe you’re just not prepared for – a job interview. Yes, you just came out of 5 days a week class lectures, monotonous professors, easy go lucky colleagues, and 2-hour long exams, now, a job interview? Keep yourself calm for these companies’ screening method for new hires can easily be conquered thru appropriate preparation and practice.

ready for an interview

Job interviews usually take just 15 to 20 minutes. Be prepared before the schedule by checking the company’s website and practicing your spiels in front of the mirror. On the day of the talk, be at the office at least 30 minutes early. It won’t only give a good impression to the employer but will also help you get relaxed and familiar with the place before the discussion. As you enter the room and meet the interviewer, reach your hands for a moderately firm handshake to display professionalism. Show your confidence by making eye contacts and exhibiting a good posture and body language. Be a positive interviewee. Demonstrate your interest to the employer by asking some questions about the company. Finally, as the interview ends, thank them for a nice conversation and for giving you an opportunity to be part of their team.

Categories: Careers