Chew On This: Roaches The Way To High-Protein “SUPERFOOD”

Cockroaches and women share an age old enmity. Both can’t stand each others presence for very long. Any of them has to give up and leave. Even the general mass doesn’t show a very pleasant reaction on encountering the creature.

But say, if you come across a fact that states- they are sources of milk protein that has thrice the calorific value of buffalo milk. Or, that, scientists are actually mulling food supplements made using synthesised protein crystals that will match all properties of those generated by roaches. Is that mindset going to change?
Cause all theses are true. An international team of scientists from the US, Canada, Japan, France and India, including Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine (inStem) scientists here, to provide for this. It is nearly 10 years after the initial discovery of crystallised milk proteins in roaches, the research work took another leap towards materialising it.

According to them, the milk protein crystals are like a complete food. They have proteins, fats, sugars and also all the essential amino acids. They are very stable and can be used as food supplement.

More due to psychological reason, people may not like the idea of having something as food that has been extracted from the guts of a cockroach. Endeavour has started to create synthetic proteins in the labs which will be globally accepted, keeping the aesthetic demands in mind.

Categories: Food & Travel
Tiyash Patra: A very fun-loving girl who likes to live life on her own terms, that's who I am.