Look Super Gorgeous That Too In Less THAN ₹200!!

Who doesn’t want to look good all day, all time? Easier for you, we have shortlisted few products to make you look gorgeous all day long.

1. Wet Wipes

In the era of pollution and dirt, something is needed to keep you fresh and dirt free. Wet wipes come really handy and pocket friendly.
Buy it here at ₹44.

2. BB Cream

Girls, this product is gonna be your best friend. All those days when you don’t feel like putting any makeup or foundation, simply apply BB Cream and you are ready to go.
Buy it here at ₹114.

3. Kohl

Enhance the best feature of your face by putting on Kajal in your eyes to look attractive. One stroke and you are fabulous to go. Kohl in the eyes is like putting a cherry on the cake!
Buy it here at ₹137.

4. Lipcolors

Girls can go crazy for lipcolors and why not? Lipcolors are heaven. Be flexible with the colours, play with them and let all colours suit you. Be it pink, nude or different shades of red.
Buy it here at ₹120.

5. Compact

Settle down your makeup with compact before you go out , to make it last longer. It gives a natural shine to your face. You can flaunt your skin rather than getting concious ladies!
Buy it here at ₹142.

6. Serum

Really wanna get rid of your rough and fizzy hair? Two drops of Serum is your solution. Apply it on wet hair and here you go with shiny and smooth hair.
Buy it here at ₹128.

Categories: Health & Beauty
Ishleen Kaur: Letting life bring me challenges, as i walk and defeat them all.