Remove Acne Scars at Home with These Easy DIYs

This is how you could easily remove Acne scars at home:

1. Honey

Apply honey on the scars and leave it overnight. Wash off in the morning.Honey is the most natural remedy. You could actually use it anytime and it is easily available.You can also mix it with oatmeal and then use it.

2. Lemon

Squeeze the lemon and mix it with honey. Dip the cotton ball and then apply it to your face. It will show some amazing results. Lemon juice is an excellent skin lightening agent. It is the acid in lemon juice that helps brighten your skin and make the scars less visible. Lemon is a natural bleach. Vitamin C in lemon helps in rebuilding collagen. When you use lime juice on your acne scars, the spots get lighter day by day.

3. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is called the wonder herb. It helps in regenerating the damaged tissues. Take an aloe vera leaf and peel its outer green cover. You’ll see a gel-like substance beneath its green outer cover. Take out this gel and apply it on your scars. Leave it for about half an hour and then wash off.Use it every day to see the results.

4. Apple Cider Vinegar

You can also heal acne scars considerably with apple cider vinegar. As this vinegar scrapes off the dead skin cells, it may fade away the acne scars to a great extent. It also balances the pH level of your body and of your skin when applied topically. You can either use apple cider vinegar with water or with honey.

5. Cocoa Butter

Cocoa Butter not only heals scars but also prevents them. Cocoa butter softens and moisturizes your skin. Apart from this, it also smooth’s out the tone and texture of your skin. This makes your acne scars less noticeable. Take some cocoa butter and apply this to your face gently massaging it onto your skin for a couple of minutes. Leave it overnight.

6. Baking Soda

Baking soda is yet another popular remedy for removing acne scars through its exfoliating effects. The gentle coarse granules of soda mixed with water remove the dead skin layer of your face without any inflammation caused during the application.

Categories: Health & Beauty
Aakriti Luthra: I love reading and writing because creating something that didn't exist before is as close to magic as I'll ever get.