Remove You Facial Hair With This Very Simple Home Remedy!

We all girls are tired of our unwanted facial hair, which comes almost after every 2 weeks, or within a week for some girls. Here is a very easy remedy that requires not more than 10 minutes, with the ingredients that you already have in your kitchen.

1 tbsp oatmeal paste
2 tbsp honey
2 tbsp lemon juice

Blend all of these ingredients together to make a paste. Then simply rub into the spot where you want to uproot unwanted hair. Let the mixture sit on the spot for 15 minutes.

Once 15 minutes are up, wash your face with warm water. Then apply a facial moisturizer as usual. Try this treatment 2-3 times a week. After a month, that unwanted hair should be a thing of the past!

The other method:

Categories: Health & Beauty
Sukhmani Nayer: A girl who travels on nothing from nowhere to happiness.