Useful Body Care Hacks That You Probably Didn’t Know!

Being beautiful and attractive is what all the girls want but you also do not want to splurge on the beauty products that are very high end and put a big hole in your pocket. There are many home remedies that are very easy to adopt and give you even better results than the expensive beauty products.

Here are a few of the simple hacks that you can adopt in your daily routine for a better and healthy skin and body.

1. Salt water

Make a solution of salt and water and soak the towel with it. Apply this towel to your face by patting it gently. Do not rub the towel. Apply the towel for 10 minutes and you will see that the swelling on your face will be reduced and you will get a fresh face.

2. Toothbrush and oil for lips

If you want fuller and sexy lips, do not go for any cosmetic product or a tool. SImply apply any oil like almond or coconut oil or a simple lip balm on your lips and using a soft bristled (baby brush) brush, scrub your lips gently. Rub the brush gently on your lips in circular motion, do not rub them with force, then wash off and you will have fuller and pinker lips.

3. Olive oil for glowing skin

If you want a natural glow to your skin, use olive oil., Take steam for about two minutes and clean your skin with cotton, then massage olive oil into your face for 7-10 minutes and get a good night sleep. You will have a glowing skin the next day. The best results can be achieved after doing the same thing every 4-5 days.

4. Honey for acne

It becomes really irritating when you get a pimple or two right before an important day or your date. Do not go for the pimple creams, just apply a thin layer of honey all over your face or just over the pimple or acne and leave it on for 15-20 minutes. The honey will lighten any scare and reduce the size of the pimple noticeably.

5. Natural makeup remover

You do not need to buy those costly makeup removers, simply make a mixture of water and olive oil in equal proportions and use it to wipe off your makeup. You can also use coconut oil to remove makeup from your face.

6. Baking soda for ingrown hair

Mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda, 1 teaspoon of ground oatmeal, and 1 tablespoon of water in a small bowl and apply this thick paste on your skin for 10 minutes, let it sit then gently dab it with lukewarm water, rub it in circular motion then wash off.

Categories: Health & Beauty
Shreya Agarwal: A reader, a dreamer and a believer...