Ways to Keep Your Hands and Elbows Soft This Winter

Do you have rough and dry hands and elbows? Are they itchy and look unpleasant? If yes, then you landed at the right place!
Here’s what I do to keep my hands and elbows from drying out and cracking-

1. Skip Excessive Washing

This is the number one reason for dry hands (and elbows). Not only does water flush out natural moisturizer from your hands, the soaps you use to wash them – even if they SWEAR they’re moisturizing – are culprits of dry, cracked skin.

2. Drink Lots Of Water

When I say lots of water, it means LOTS of water!

3. Take Omerga-3 Supplements

Dry skin is a sign of Omega-3 deficiency. So if you struggle with dry skin, make sure you are taking enough omega-3 fats. They will soothe your dry, flaky skin.
You can buy DèVe Herbes Pure Flax Seed Oil. Flax seeds are the most concentrated plant sources of omega-3 fats. They are are also rich in antioxidants, B vitamins, dietary fibre, a group of phytoestrogens called lignans, protein and potassium.
Buy it here

4. Moisturize, Moisturize, Moisturize

After each and every wash, moisturize!!! Always carry moisturizer with you in your bag. I recommend Oriflame’s Milk and Honey Nourishing Hand and Body Cream. It is a luxuriously rich and nourishing intensive care cream formulated with organically sourced milk proteins and honey extracts. This would keep your hands and elbows feeling irresistibly soft and smooth, and it smells yummy too.
Buy it here

5. Massage With Olive Oil

Massage your hands and elbows with olive oil 3-5 times a day. It won’t just prevent dry skin, it’ll help roll back the clock on the look of your skin, as well. Buy Seagulls Olivon; it contains the goodness of olive oil, and it is used to soften the skin.
Buy it here

6. Exfoliate

Exfoliation is your friend in the battle against dry skin. Exfoliate your skin with Natio Wellness Body Scrub to get a smooth and even skin tone. It will also rejuvenate your skin, unclog the pores and fight against blemishes.
Buy it here

7. Wear Gloves To Bed

Dry, cracked and damaged hands need serious moisturization, so you should deep-treat them overnight. Apply a super thick moisturizer or body butter, put on some cotton gloves or wool socks, and go to bed. Try the Body Shop Shea Body Butter. It gives your skin some serious moisture and pampering and is a luxurious treatment for those with very dry skin.
Buy it here

Categories: Health & Beauty
Vertika Khullar: Social Media Enthusiast. Free Spirit. Chicken Junkie. True Sagittarius.