How Motherhood Transformed My Life

“Let me be honest; I cried and cribbed and I hated her for a moment but when I gave her to an aunt, for I could take a break, she cried only louder – that’s the moment you know she wants YOU!”

I knew it will take me time to even start writing about this topic because there’s no beginning and no end to it! My little baby is asleep by my side and just right now she puts her leg over mine and it makes me smile, I love this habit of hers. And if you read deep into this sentence you will know that motherhood is all about these sweet little gestures baby shows. They melt you inside, they teach you to nurture, love and care for your kid.

Mothers would agree that life changes a great deal once you bear a child because he is so dependent on you for his little daily chores. You give him life! It not only means you bring him in this world but that you help him grow, you help him sit and stand and walk and eat. You become his world because he needs your help for everything. And in this whole process, you don’t realize when he became yours.

You can’t wear your favorite saree because it has a ‘kadhai’ that will hurt the baby, you can’t wear that long dress because you got to feed the baby, you can’t sleep in the night because he isn’t sleepy as yet, you can’t go to a club because the music is loud and the list is endless. You start feeling like you have lost your life and personal time and trust me it can get on your nerves on some days.

I and my husband decided to have a baby quite early into our marriage so I had my baby in my hands when our first Diwali knocked on the door or even before our first anniversary and let me tell you they were the worst days of my motherhood because all I did was dress up and try to keep her quiet as she cried endlessly in the hotel amidst all the celebrations. Let me be honest; I cried and cribbed and I hated her for a moment but when I gave her to an aunt, for I could take a break, she cried only louder – that’s the moment you know she wants YOU! All our lives we keep looking for someone who would give us that feeling that they are just not fine without us. Your kid will give you that priceless feeling and that’s when you feel complete. They give you the feeling that you are wanted, desired and most of all LOVED!!

Categories: Inspirations
Richa Kataria: An avid reader, a home maker and a mother who loves books and chai, prefers to walk than drive and finds beauty in little things that life offers !