Prostitution Was Always An Option For Her, But She Was Determined Not To Choose It

When all doors to earn a living close a woman is shown the window of prostitution through which she can earn for her and her family. Many girls fall prey to prostitution because that is the only option they think is left for them to earn. Like they say, wrong paths are the ones that lure the most.

This is the story of Geeta Tondon, a woman who chose not to get lured by the wrong path for the sake of money. It is her fight for finding the right path, her struggles for survival and showing the world that things can be done by being true to yourself and not losing oneself in times of hardships.

Here is her truly inspiring story.

We salute your strong will to achieve things on your own and wish all your dreams come true, specially of becoming India’s first Woman Action Director.

Categories: Inspirations
Srishti Gosain: It all starts with a Smile.