4 Amazing Lifehacks to make your life super easy!

Ever had an “aha-moment” when you read a beauty hack on Pinterest or your mum told you a shortcut to doing laundry? We know that feeling all too well.

Here are 4 lifehacks to make life less about complaining and more about joyful, fun experiences!

 1. Redness Be Gone!

It’s inevitable; every time you have a big event coming up, life will mess with you with in a million different ways, more often than not with a pimple or two.

You don’t have to rush to the drugstore for a local spot treatment. You can use eye drops to reduce the redness of an inflamed pimple! Take that adult acne!

2. Get Rid of Deodorant Stains


Your favorite top is stained in the underarm area? Fret no more, a smart tip is coming to the rescue!

Spray the underarm stain with vinegar and then carefully rub it with a laundry booster like Borax. Leave it overnight in an air-tight container and wash in the washing machine as normaly the following day.

3. Shrink Your Favorite Jeans

You’re probably familiar with the “don’t wash them, freeze them” hack, that helps your jeans stay in tip top shape for years.

Another life-saving hack for your favorite skinnies is to use them in the dryer in high heat to get them back into their initial tight shape.

4. Make your mattress smell like spring waterfalls

Daily use of your mattress means it becomes a lively hub for parasites and nasty smells. Before you reverse and rotate your mattress this fall, do this hack, mix together 4 tablespoons of baking soda with your favorite essential oil.

Use a shifter to sprinkle the mix all over your mattress. Leave for a few hours and vacuum the powder. Now go and feel like the queen you’ve always suspected you were!


Categories: Lifestyle
Tags: lifehacks
Sagarika Ghosh: An Engineer, who fell in love with Digital- Media at first sight!