5 Ways to Make Extra Money While in College!

How many of you all were “the struggling college student?” Living off of Ramen noodles and Chef Boyardee; it seemed like a hopeless way of life. The common denominator to the college life struggle was money…really, the lack of money.

In the modern day, noodles and ravioli are a thing of the past. There are so many different ways to make money out there, that’s it’s almost unfair.

It may be too late for us, who have been through college, survived, and are done with it, but it’s not too late for the young and bright minds who are currently in college or preparing to go to college. Here are five ways to make extra money without cutting into your study time.


Drive For Uber


Most people have heard of Uber, and if you haven’t, where have you been? Uber is a company that connects drivers and riders for beneficial ridesharing. This company is internet-based and is utilized through an app on mobile phones.

Driving for Uber as a college student is ideal because you drive your own car and it allows you to work off of your own schedule. Let’s say you have morning classes up until noon, but you don’t have your last class until 6pm. You can finish up your last class at noon and Uber from 2pm to 4pm, which allows you to work and throw in some study time before class.

On average, Uber drivers can make anything from $15-$20 per hour, and get paid weekly. The cool thing about this hustle is that it is cash-free. Users of the Uber app are required to register a credit or debit card when they sign up to pay for all of their rides. There’s even an optional tip feature on the app where they can tip their driver if their ride was pleasant.

So if you’re looking for a part-time gig where you can make decent money making your own schedule, work as little or as much as you want, and get paid weekly…Uber is the place for you.


Tutor Students


Hey, if you excel in a particular subject, flaunt it! Tutoring not only benefits the student you’re helping, but it also benefits you as well. You’ll be helping someone and getting paid to do it.

You’ve heard the saying “it’s not really work when you love what you do.” In this case, it’s very true. If calculus is a class that’s quite easy for you, then teaching it to someone else is won’t be difficult for you.

Now, patience is a quality you must have when tutoring a subject that comes easy for you, but not so easy for someone else. Everyone’s learning speeds are totally different, clearly, so you have to be understanding of that. If the whole patience thing is no issue for you, then you’ve got it made!

Keep in mind, this is college and you’re not the only student hustling trying to make it. So take it easy on your fellow classmates. Typically, student tutors charge per hour. Your rate and how much time you spend is completely up to you…$20 per hour is a good rate, but as mentioned before, it’s up to you.


Create a Blog


Do you have a wealth of knowledge on a particular topic? If you do, why not make money off of it by creating your own blog?

Let me give you an example. If you’re deep into health and wellness and use a specific brand of protein shakes, you can talk about health and wellness, as well as highlight that protein shake brand. Your money maker is the brand of protein shake.

To get your blog up and running, you’ll need a domain name suggestion tool. Be sure your domain name is memorable, and compliments the actual content of your site. A memorable domain name can be all the difference in a successful web presence and being lost in the cyber world.




Babysitting is one of the most overlooked part-time jobs. Most people tend to look at babysitting as a job for teenagers, but in reality, it works for college students too.

Babysitting pays well and is quite flexible around your class schedule. Now with babysitting, it can be a little tricky to get started. Most parents won’t leave their children in the hands of just anybody.

Typically, families choose to go with people they know, such as family or friends. Grandmothers are the go-to for babysitting a lot of times because most grandmothers are retired and have lots of time on their hands, plus they love their grandchildren, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

Start with people you know. Get to know your classmates and offer your babysitting services as you find out they’re needed. You can also put up flyers around campus; make sure your flyers include your name, how you can be reached, and the hours and rate.


Become a Resident Assistant (RA)

Being a Resident Assistant definitely has its perks and challenges, but it’s totally worth it.  As an RA it’s your responsibility to build good rapport among students in the dorm as well as be a resource to students for any problems or concerns they may have.

Being an RA does have it’s challenges that you will need to prepare yourself for. There’s a good chance you’ll be dealing with drunk students, roommate disputes, and students getting locked out of their rooms.

Now, there are perks to being an RA. You have the opportunity to increase your social and leadership skills. This interaction allows you to meet people who could possibly be a good reference for you in case you need letters of recommendation. They’ll be able to vouch for you and say nothing but good things about you.

Payment for this type of job is different depending on your school’s policies, but generally, your housing is either free or discounted, or you’ll get a monthly stipend.


College Life is What You Make It

In preparation of college, we had these ideas of what college was, based off what we saw on television. The reality of college is not at all what we see on TV…it’s actually quite a bit harder, but nothing you can’t handle.

Test out a few of these different money-making ideas and see how it works for you. It may not make you ten thousand dollars in a week, but it will surely keep you away from Ramen noodles and Chef Boyardee.




Categories: Lifestyle
Chaineet Kaur: A bookworm with a philosophical bent of mind.