6 Ways To Be Happier At Work! (Even If You Hate It)

Have you felt that your job is becoming increasingly boring or frustrating lately? Are you tired of doing the same tasks over and over, and do you feel that all the joy of your work has slowly started to fade away? The last thing you want is to feel sad or stressed about leaving your house each morning to go to work. Fortunately, there are quite a few things you can do to be happier at your workplace – things that will not only improve your mood but will also increase your productivity. Here are seven ways to be happier at work:

1. Everything Starts With the Right Mindset

The first, and perhaps most important, thing you can do to be happy at work is to simply choose to be happy, since happiness is often a matter of choice rather than luck. There is something positive to be found in nearly every job, and the secret is to simply think positively about your work and not let the negative things interfere with you, your attitude or your personal lifestyle.

2. Steer Clear of Negativity

We all have coworkers who are notorious pessimists, who always complain about even the small things. Being surrounded by people like this can drain your own positivity and energy, so it is very important to steer clear of this negativity whenever possible. You do not need to cope with the negative conversations, the office gossips or the unhappy people who try to ‘poison’ your attitude with their own problems. Even the most convinced optimists can have their psyche and their overall mood affected by those who are notoriously negative, and that is the last thing you want at work.

3. Know Your Boiling Point

When you know your own bottom line, you understand your flaws better, and you can prevent your job from getting frustrating. Never let your job take control of you and push you to your personal limit, or it will negatively affect both your overall mood and your productivity at work.

4. Be Kind to Your Boss

Yes, we know it does sound tacky! But give it a shot. There is a big difference between being genuinely kind and respectful to your boss and trying to flatter your superior in order to get what you want. It is important to rise to the expectations of your boss and to always give your best effort – not only can this result in a salary raise or bonus, but your boss is also more likely to promote you to a management position, if that is what you are looking for.. Even the most difficult bosses have a sensitive side, and nobody is immune to genuine kindness and interest.

5. Start Your Work Day With the Task You Hate the Most

The reason for this is simple: when you need to do something you truly dislike, there is a natural tendency to postpone that project for as long as you can. But by postponing it, you will know that it is waiting and must be dealt with sooner or later – you will constantly return to the thought of having to deal with the dreaded task, a thought that can haunt you from 9 to 5, every day. By addressing that task first and by prioritizing your goals, you will have more enjoyment later on. Your favorite tasks will be like a dessert after eating your vegetables!
Even the happiest and most appealing jobs have their downsides, and it is important to know how to cope with them. These seven approaches can help boost your mood and your vibe!

Categories: Lifestyle
Sagarika Ghosh: An Engineer, who fell in love with Digital- Media at first sight!