7 Questions Every Curly Haired Girl Is Fed Up of Hearing

Maintaining curly hair is a task in itself and to add to the misery are people’s suggestions and advice. This world is obssesed with straight hair, we get it! But curls make you look gorgeous and we love our natural look!

1. Are these natural?

One of these days we are just going to say “NO” just to make you stop asking that stupid question! Do you think we have so much time to curl up our hair to this extent? Of Course it’s natural!

2. Have you thought of rebonding?

Why sweet sir? Have you ever thought of curling your hair? It’s not like only straight hair makes you look pretty! Curls give you texture, so NO, never thought about rebonding!

3. You have so much hair in your head, it’s like everything you eat goes up in your hair! *giggles*

HA HA! Sure, it’s called maintaining your hair properly!

4. Since you have curly hair, we’ll call you Maggi!

Since you crack such “non-sensical” jokes, I might just call you “KRK”

5. Doesn’t the comb gets lost in your hair?

I would like to pass that question. Stupid Moron!

6. You can’t try any different hair-cut because “you have curly hair “

I swear, I hear the hair-cutter say this line with pity, as if having curly hair is a sin!

7. Your hair is tangled all the time!

That’s the beauty of curly hair, there is no need to untangle it and it still looks perfect!

Categories: Lifestyle
Kritika Raj: Future economist with a touch of humour.