7 Reasons Why Joining The Gym Is Better Than At-Home Training

What makes a home workout better than hitting the gym? Well the membership fees for one thing! Nonetheless, there are some hard-to-miss advantages for hitting the gym.

Focus – Less Distractions

Everything about a gym is fitness-focused, everything in it is designed or oriented towards this purpose. There are no distractions (kids running around, candies and other sinful snacks), it’s just you and the equipment or trainer. Less distractions offer you an effective workout, no doubt!


There are so many things you can do at home. The gym offers you a wide range of activities, from yoga classes to crossfit and lifting. Yet another reason for becoming a gym-ocholic!

(photo credit: stockimages via FreeDigitalPhotos.net)Motivation


There’s an inexplicable power in a gym. Maybe it’s just your hard-core, always-pushing-you-to-your-limits trainer, or maybe is the person next to you. Whatever it is, a gym apart from sweat it also oozes with motivation.

Financial Investment Equals Better Overall Investment

A home work-out or a 1-h rjog doesn’t require a financial investment. And even if it does, it will certainly be smaller than a gym membership. However this is not a good thing, you know! Since you invest financially to go to a gym, you’re more likely to commit to it.

Inspiration, Fun, Socialization

Of course you can have the fun of your life with Zumba at home, but the lack of the social aspect makes it a bit of a buzz-kill.

Supervision and Safety

Trainers are professionals, they know how to prevent injuries, optimize your results and motivate you. Anything can go wrong with an at-home training. From hurting your back or shoulders to getting a more serious injury.


To get the results a gym training gives you at home, it’s next to impossible without crazy amounts of commitment and willpower. Enough said!

What’s your preferred training method?

Categories: Lifestyle
Tags: Gymhealth
Mamta Verma: passionate writer