8 Most Bizarre Bans in the World

One after another State governments in India are banning Maggi. The reason for the ban is justified enough! Maggi doesn’t meet the food quality standards. But there are some bizarre bans all around the world for the most bizarre reasons. Read on to know some such bans.

1. Ketchup in France

The ketchup you eat with your samosa, sandwich and any other snack is banned in France in the primary schools. Reason- the government thinks that the red sauce is a cultural threat to the traditional French cuisine, which was beginning to lose it’s originality.

2. Baby Walkers in Canada

In Canada, babies learn to walk the old-fashioned way because baby walkers are banned there. A series of studies conducted in Canada showed that babies raised with walkers showed delayed motor skills.

3. Chewing Gums in Singapore

This ban was imposed about two decades ago. Ever since, selling and using chewing gums in Singapore has been illegal. The law was meant to keep the streets and public places clean.

4. McDonald’s in Bolivia

This may sound crazy, but it is true that McDonald’s is banned in Bolivia. The surprising part of it is that this ban is a decision of the people of Bolivia who think fast food is against their culture and belief.

5. Valentines Day in Saudi Arabia

The premise of the ban is that the Saudi Arabian government thinks that the celebration of St. Valentine’s Day is against Islamic beliefs. The ban is on all things related to it and on all red things around St. Valentine’s, from flowers to presents.

6. Western Haircuts in Iran

Not so fascinated by the western culture, most Islamic countries try to keep their people as far away from it’s influence as possible. The Iranian government has specified the hairstyles which it deems acceptable for the Iranian people. Western hairstyles like mohawks, mullets, spikes and ponytails are illegal in Iran.

7. Driving for Women in Saudi Arabia

Though there is no written law that prevents women from driving in Saudi Arabia, there is no authority to issue licenses to women. Saudi Arabia is the only country in the world that prevents women from driving.

8. Blue Jeans in North Korea

It is just the blue jeans that is banned in North Korea. Apparently the color is associated with the United States, so North Korea banned them.

Categories: Lifestyle
Tags: BansWeird
Ishmeet Kaur: A future economist.