AIB’s Take on Texting Your Crush is Surely A Laugh Riot

In the age when relations are made and broken over text messages, sending the right text is like fighting a battle. The battle gets on another level if you are texting your crush. The texting has to be done with full concentration to convey your emotions without sounding too desperate or simply uninterested.

AIB’s new sketch on texting a person you like is another level. The pressure to flirt with right words and right emoji is there with the tension to think for an apt reply. They call it Flirty Messaging League a.k.a. FML! Tanmay Bhat and Malika Dua are bang on as commentators.

Watch FML here and tell us have you felt this pressure while texting!

Categories: Lifestyle
Srishti Gosain: It all starts with a Smile.