College Life: Expectations Vs. Reality

How many of us were fooled by the sugar coated life of college students as shown in the movie? Hot boys on their bikes, going some place romantic on a date yada yada, but there is a thing called myth which does not exist, maybe in some cities it does but majority of us can relate to these:

1. Expectations: Dreamy Guys!

Reality: Not-so-dreamy-desi-guys

2. Expectation: Making heads turn by dressing up for college

Reality: Ah! Chuck the jeans..and hello sweatpants!

3. Expectation: Hanging out with Roommates be like

Reality: Not-so-Cool

4. Expectation: Attending 8 a.m classes to get a head start of your day

Reality: Should’ve had coffee

5. Expectation: Group Studies

Reality: What were we here for anyway?

6. Expectation: Studying for finals

Reality: Gimme a break!

7. Expectation: Hostel Food

Reality: Jail ka khana

8. Expectation: Going out on parties

Reality: Should’ve stayed in bed

9. Expectation: Doing laundry like a mature adult

Reality: Waiting till all the clean clothes are over and taking them over for Mom to clean it up, till then..

10. Expectation: Money From Parents

Reality: Empty pockets by the month end

11. Expectations: Spring Break

Reality: Uh!

12. Expectations: Weekend Plans

Reality: Too lazy to go out

13. Expectations: Getting a Boyfriend as soon as you enter college

Reality: Forever Alone

Categories: Lifestyle
Kritika Raj: Future economist with a touch of humour.