Know Your Personality- Harsh Truths About Your Zodiac That Nobody Told You!

Here’s the harsh truth that your zodiac sign says about you.
P.S.- Do not read this if you cannot handle criticism.

Now read, and feel ashamed.

1. Aries (21 March – 19 April)

You are selfish, quick-tempered, impulsive and impatient. You demand way too much from everyone, and react too soon to everything. You are melo-dramatic and very very irritating. You should either be ignored by everyone, or sent to a correction facility.

2. Taurus (20 April-20 May)

You have an inflexible, stubborn and lazy piece of ass. You are greedy, jealous, overly possessive and resentful. You are pretty much the worst person around.

3. Gemini (21 May- 21 June)

Your list of bad qualities seems endlessly long. You are fake and superficial. You are so greedy that nothing ever is sufficient for you. You love to bitch about people, and you are super insecure in your life. You are a cunning two-faced prick, and you cannot ever make up your mind. You stink!

4. Cancer (22 June- 22 July)

No one likes you. You are a cry baby, who is always worried for no reason. Plus, you are super clingy. You need professional help, you emotionally wrecked psycho. Now don’t start crying again!

5. Leo (23 July- 23 August)

Learn to mind your own business; you nosy, egoistic, arrogant loser. You think you are tolerating people, but it’s is actually the opposite, you are the one who can’t be tolerated. Did I just burst a bubble?

6. Virgo (24 August- 24 September)

You think you are perfect and other people around you are inferior to you. You are nagging, fussy and conservative. You demand too much. Maybe you should dig up a hole for yourself and consider living in it.

7. Libra (24 September- 23 October)

You give a tough competition to Taurus and Gemini. You are a flirt; you are unreliable, and superficial. You are a shallow person. Basically you disgust people.

8. Scorpio (24 October- 23 November)

You are a master manipulator. You lie a bit too much, and you know how to hide them well; and this is why you are so secretive. You are resentful about everything. You have a dirty mind with dark secrets and murderous plans. Your character smells worse than the decaying corpse, that you buried in that backyard. Shame on you!

9. Sagittarius (23 November – 21 December)

You are insensitive, restless and irresponsible. Nobody liked you as a kid, and nobody likes you now. You are extremely harsh, over-confident, and always suspicious. I wonder how did you manage to live with yourself for such a long time.

10. Capricorn (22nd December to 20th January)

At a party, you spoil everyone’s good time with your cynical remarks. In fact, I don’t understand why do you even go to the parties? You are not wanted anywhere. You talk about your stinky life all the time which makes you irritating. You should just pack your bags and go to a deserted island, and never return.

11. Aquarius (21st January to 18th February)

You are an extremist and very unpredictable, which is unpleasant for other people. You live in your own world and detached from the outside world. The cherry on the cake is that you are super rude too. Actually, you are nature’s vomit.

12. Pisces (19th February to 20th March)

You don’t have a spine. You can’t confront people or things, so you run away from them. You are the King of the Loser World. You are escapist, irrational, impractical and careless. You suck!

Categories: Lifestyle
Vertika Khullar: Social Media Enthusiast. Free Spirit. Chicken Junkie. True Sagittarius.