Mistakes To Avoid During Your Periods!

Since they come every month, we have actually taken these days for granted and forgotten to take care of ourselves. But ladies these are some important things that we forget being so busy in our lives. So hold on read and follow them rules, cuz no one else is gonna take care of you.

1. Not Keeping a Track of your Date

It is very important to keep a record of your periods, as any type of difference in cramps, flow or dates will tell you about irregularities in your periods.

2. Not Washing your hands after changing tampons/pads

No matter how clean it seems or if their isn’t much of mess down their, their are a lot of germs and bacteria that you cannot see from your naked eyes. So girls you gotta wash your hands enough.

3. Checkout for those blood clots

Do not be disgusted by the idea of looking at the blood. You should always keep a check on the color of your blood and any clotting. A bit of it is normal, but a lot of blood clots aren’t a good sign and you might want to see a doctor.

4. Medicines for pain relief

Trust me girls its a bad bad idea. It’s okay to take pain relievers once in a blue moon when the pain is beyond your tolerance. But taking it every time you have cramps is dangerous. It can affect your periods and have other side effects too. C’mon, you’re stronger than you think.

5. Lack in consumption of iron

During our periods our bodies are low on iron and therefore, we need to eat foods that will give us enough of it. So grab some meat, beans or spinach.

6. Having loads and loads of sugar

It’s normal for you to crave for sugar when you’re PMSing. So it’s okay to binge on some chocolate or cookies. But eating too much sweets like donuts, ice-creams and other processed sugar can actually make your mood swings worse! So slow down on it a bit…

7. No resting

Our body is actually weak during this time. I mean just think about it; our body is throwing so much of blood out, so our bodies actually need a break, proper sleep and not much of exertion. Matter of some days girls, take care of yourself.

Categories: Lifestyle
Sukhmani Nayer: A girl who travels on nothing from nowhere to happiness.