Priyanka Chopra: “Feminism Was Created because There Were No Rights For Women”

Our ‘Desi girl’ Priyanka Chopra is a proud feminist and defines feminism as an equal opportunity for women.

She is often frustrated by those who deny being a feminist or are shy to admit it.
“I see so many girlfriends of mine who are like, ‘No I’m not that much of a feminist.’ I don’t even understand that,” she says to Variety magazine. “The need for feminism was created because there were no rights for women. That’s why there is not a man-ism, because they always had it.”

“Feminism is not about berating or hating men or disliking or trying to make sure we’re better than men,” she says. “Feminism is just saying give me opportunities without judging me for the decisions that I make, the same freedom that men have enjoyed for so many centuries.”

And she says, “Feminism needs men.”

“It needs the men in their lives to stand up for their mothers, their sisters, their girlfriends, their wives, their daughters and say that I’m going to change the game for my future generation,” she says.

“My dad always used to tell me, ‘Women are always told say this or this is the right way to be or this is the right way to dress or this is the right way to speak,’” she recalls. “But my parents always said, ‘We believe in our upbringing. You’ll be fine.’”

Categories: Lifestyle
Shreya Agarwal: A reader, a dreamer and a believer...