Reasons Why Dogs Are Way Better Than Humans!

Hello, Puppy lovers. Forget what you’ve heard about diamonds; dogs are girl’s real best friends. You can do absolutely nothing or just be super random and they will never complain like your boyfriend. They will never judge you and accompany you in all those crazy thing instead. They make your good days better and your bad days easier. Though there are plenty of reasons to celebrate our furry friends, but here are some points that you all will definitely agree on.

1. They’re Always Pouring Out Their Sloppy Kisses

Because their 1 kiss is just enough to make your day going.

2. They Are Always In For Chilling Sessions Outside The Home

Dare to say bye I’m going out to chill without taking them along, at your own risk.

3. They Have Special Healing Effects

Feeling low? Make a sad face or cry in front of them, and then see how they cuddle with you.

4. They Are The Best Listeners

Talk you heart out. And they will react to everything you say. No matter how shitty your stuff is. atMaybe sometimes they’ll tell you to do what’s the right thing. hehe!

5. They’re Always In For A Party

These cuties don’t have bad days. And also it’s hard to be in a gloomy mood when you puppy is grinning back at you.

6. In A Book About Humans, They Get A Shout-Out From God

Even god couldn’t ignore them.

7. They Teach Us To Be Selfless

After all day long when you left them alone in the house, they wait for you and jumpppp as soon as they see you.

Categories: Lifestyle
Sukhmani Nayer: A girl who travels on nothing from nowhere to happiness.