10 Habits of Couple In a Strong Long-Term Relationship

We all know one or the other couple who has been in a really long relationship and is still going strong. In India this is not a rare thing to see, we all just adore our parents and grandparents for being together for so long and giving us such lovely family. When you enter in to some relationship may it be marriage or love you wonder how those couple do it! When you see many people having breakups every day you wonder how your parents do it so well!
Well here is a list of things that these really strong couple do in order to maintain their love and bond. It is not easy but it is also not unattainable. So here we go:

1. Taking Responsibility


They take responsibility for what they do wrong. Instead of beating your partner over things that they do wrong, just accept your part in that and let it go. It takes two to tango so apologise for your mistake and behave like a single unit.

2. Embrace changes


For sharing your life with someone you will definitely have to accept some of the changes in your life and embrace them without complain. Changing lifestyle, age, etc is a part and parcel of relation, just accept it and go with the flow.

3. Listen to Each Other


Don’t just hear but listen to what your partner is saying. This will make them feel important because they would know that you actually care about what they have to say. Listening is a key to make your relationship strong.

4. Don’t Sleep Upon a Fight


This is a big no no, you simply cannot sleep without resolving a fight. Letting matters linger for a long time and not resolving them immediately can be really toxic. Give each other some time and space, apologise and move on.

5. Never Stop Dating


Never stop spending time and energy on each other, never stop showing kindness, love, care and affection. Keep going on dates, showing each other how much you love them, making memories. It need not be an awesome fairy-tale date all the time, a simple movie date or dinner would suffice.

6. Money Talk


Solid and strong couples do not shy away from talking about money. Fight regarding money becomes the main reason for breaking a relationship, so better work out the details before it is too late.

7. Be An Individual Too


It is good to have common interests but sometimes staying too close all the time also causes problems. You need to have individual time of your own too. Atleast one day a week plan something for yourself only. Later you can share your experience with your partner but spend time with yourself and for yourself too!

8. Why So Serious!


It is not advisable to be serious all the time, yes you need to have deep and serious conversations but you must have fun too. Sharing funny moments with your partner will bring you both closer.

9. They Communicate


Long tern relationships bring another level of intimacy which lets you have conversation about all kind of issues. So take time but communicate about anything and everything. Make each other a part of your life by being frank and honest. Miscommunication can really kill a relation so it would be better if you both have the kind of communication that happens without actually saying.

10. Appreciate Them? Show It!


It is a fact that negative things will come up in a relationship from time to time but if you keep showing your partner what you appreciate in them from time to time those negative things won’t cause a lot of damage. Atleast your partner will know that you love them for who they are.

Categories: Relationships
Shreya Agarwal: A reader, a dreamer and a believer...