7 Things Nobody Would Tell You About Being *Intimate* During Periods

Well there is not much known to people about sex during periods. Most of us mostly avoid being intimate during those days just because if not having enough knowledge. But let me tell you, sex during your periods can be one of the best you can have!
In India, women are treated as untouchables during those days but things are changing, people are gaining more knowledge. So why not change things regarding this? Here is all what you need to know about having sex during those times so that next time when you feel like having sex during your periods, there is nothing stopping you!

Before getting on with the things, You should know that it is not unhygienic or some kind of a weird act, it’s perfectly normal, not at all awkward and also very much pleasurable especially for women to have sex during their periods.

1. Always use a condom


Even if you are married and have sex with only a single person, it is important to use condom as it makes it easier to clean-up specially if your partner gets squeamish at the sight of blood and of course to protect from bacteria.

2.Right positioning


Try avoiding the positions which take you to the top, stay on bed. It is just basic science, imagine you being on top will make a huge mess of blood! decide on the position wisely!

3. Say no to shower sex


You may think that you will have shower sex during periods and avoid all the bloody mess but it is a big mistake. It becomes too slippery and add to it the blood trickling down your thighs which makes it even more slippery. The best option would be to use a blanket under you while having sex on flat surface, no showers!

4. You can get pregnant


If you think that you won’t get pregnant by having sex during periods, you can never be more wrong! If you have regular periods then while you are bleeding, you have already ovulated 2 weeks before and only in this case you can’t get pregnant. But until and unless you know when you are menstruating and when ovulating, don’t be sure that you won’t get pregnant.

5. It takes intimacy to another level


This is a given, if you are being intimate with someone during your periods, you are at your most vulnerable position and the level of exposure is really high with all the blood involved, it takes a great amount of trust and bonding to share that kind of a thing!

6. It can shorten the duration of your periods


With each orgasm, more of the blood is released and more the orgasms, shorter is the duration of periods! So girls, go for it!

7. It feels Awesome


I don’t need to tell how our hormones are all over the place during our periods. It makes women more horny plus there is no need for a lube, things get slippery and fun on their own!

So what did you guys take away?? Isn’t periods sex simply awesome?? Share your views on it too!
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Categories: Relationships
Shreya Agarwal: A reader, a dreamer and a believer...