The Ultimate Break Up Guide

Well, break ups are inevitable and once you realise its for the better , you got a greener pasture! 😉

Here is your ultimate breakup guide to get over that heart sore!

1. Daaru ne humari….!

Go out drinking with your friends. Celebrate the occasion, its funny and might sound crazy but this will really help in combating that ‘dard’!

2. Movies = Entertainment, entertainment, entertainment

Go out for movies with your gang. Be it sci-fi, or action, just have fun.
Tip : Do check out other people in the hall and avoid soapy rom-coms 😛

3. Nucleya bole “F*** that shit!”

Make this your mantra for the next few months. Music is probably the best therapy and by music (read: Nucleya) yes you got that right. Listen to tonnes of EDM, trap and trance music. And please, BT nahi dena!

4. Jitthe jawange, Gaddi moudan ge!

Yes! Hope on and go for a ride with your gang. Might not be as amazing as ZNMD but its fun. High speed, loud music..errr ya. Almost party-like. And the ‘daaru ka crate’ in the back!

5. EAT.

Does not get any better from here, guys. The ultimate happiness. Chocolate, ice cream, good ol’ pizza, brownies and what not. The happiness of eating is godly. Ultimate.

6. Pool Parties.

Yes. These parties can cheer you up like Adele who’s rolling in the deep. Jump into the pool, or chill with a glass of beer, wear those sassy shades and you’re all good.

7. Gaming

This can really keep your mind off. This goes for both guys and girls, btw. Gaming is fun and with the right company, hours can pass by. You wouldn’t even know!

8. Shopping is your cardio!

This will never go wrong. Go shopping, get yourself that game you wanted for ages, or that sassy ripped denims you cant get your eyes off. And eat after you’re done. Sort!

9. Pamper yourself.

Love yourself to the hilt. Take extra care of how you look and how you dress up.Get a new cologne. Loving yourself is the ultimate, guys!

10. WOW : Happiness is the key.

Do everything that makes you happy and content. More the adventurous, the better. Get off that couch and get started already! Oh, and staying single isn’t that bad you know.

Categories: Relationships
Kamalika Mukherjee: One half of a writer, and a quirky cat who's fond of doodles, choco chip and gossip. Writing in pj's the whole time and binge eating! Cheers.