This Proposal By A Star Wars Fan Will Blow Your Mind Away


A man from Brighton, Ian Coulson, with the help of his friends and his soon to be father-in-law, proposed his girlfriend Lizzy by acting out iconic scenes from some of their favourite films, including Lords of the Rings and Star Wars.
The beautiful proposal video, posted by Barcroft TV, starts with Ian having a light sabre battle with Darth Vader, slap Gollum and out run a Black Rider from Lord of the Rings on horseback; and ends with him popping the big question to Lizzy.
Stars Wars has always been a big part of the couple’s relationship. Ian revealed that on their first date they watched episodes one to six of the sci-fi saga.
Ian shot the initial footage in November last year and then screened it for Lizzy on January 6, 2016, recording her reaction live.

Categories: Relationships
Vertika Khullar: Social Media Enthusiast. Free Spirit. Chicken Junkie. True Sagittarius.