Woman’s Photo Shoot with Fiancé Goes Viral & Gives Important Message

A beautiful photo shoot of couple Stephanie and Arryn went viral over facebook after Bria Terry of Wolf & Rose Photography posted the images on her business Facebook page on Thursday. People applauded the chemistry and the confidence of the couple in the comments.

Stephanie went topless for the lakeside shoot and for her the experience was confidence-building!

“I honestly have never felt more attractive,” she said. “I was so nervous to see the final result. I didn’t know what to expect. But when I saw the album, I was shocked. I look so in love and confident. Every person should be able to see themselves in that light. It is really eye-opening.”

The couple got engaged in February. Stephanie used the pictures to spread a meassage that she felt must be spread to all, about body positivity. She herself was a curvacious woman growiung up and had faced all things.

“I remember being in junior high and looking at myself in the mirror, wondering why my stomach wasn’t the way it was ‘supposed’ to be,” she said. “Over the years, I’ve come to accept that I am always going to be considered plus-size. I push myself out of my comfort zone by wearing clothes that I love but aren’t in society’s mold of what is acceptable for bigger women, like crop tops, tight shirts, shorter dresses and shorts. I walk around with my head high, smiling, and show no shame in myself.”

Her journey might not have been that easy of she did not have the support of her love Arryn.
“Throughout our relationship, there has never been a time when he made me feel self-conscious about any part of myself. To him, it doesn’t matter if I have not washed my hair for a week or shaved my legs in over a month,” she said. “He loves me for who I am, and for who I make him want to become. He has always told me that he doesn’t care how I look, that I’m beautiful regardless.”

“We have been able to inspire society to believe that who they are and what they look like is enough to be truly loved,” Stephanie said.

Categories: Relationships
Shreya Agarwal: A reader, a dreamer and a believer...