Pictures Of The Premature Babies Getting *Graduation* Ceremony When Intensive Care Will Melt Your Heart!

CaroMont Regional Medical Center in North Carolina is celebrating something really special and heart warming!
For honoring the lives of premature babies, Once they are about to leave the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), they get a personalized graduation cap and a portrait.
Melissa Jordan, a nurse at CaroMont Regional Medical Center said:

“It’s just for babies born at 34 weeks of gestation or earlier… when they leave it’s a huge accomplishment not only for the baby but parents as well,”

“The program was started as a way to celebrate this milestone in the babies’ lives.”

She was inspired to do this after spending time with a baby who was born just at 29 weeks and was very vulnerable!

“The day he got discharged, we gathered staff and we went in singing and dancing and gave him his cap — and his parents just smiled ear to ear — that’s when we knew it was something we wanted to keep doing for other families,”

Jordan said.

She added.

“Leaving the NICU can be joyful but also scary and nerve-wracking, so this was our way of bringing a little normalcy to taking the baby home,”

Isn’t it a beautiful thing to celebrate something so small yet so important! How come nobody ever thought of this before! Hats off to the people there doing great things. they are doing very little things but making a difference out there!

Have a look at these amazing pictures!

Celebrating the lives of new born babies and the first milestone they achieve in their lives!

These mini-celebrations are just so special for the babies and their parents.

Honoring the battle fought and won by the pre-mature babies!

Getting them ready for the celebration wonce they are out of Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)…

Giving them their own personalized graduation cap and a portrait!

Image credits: Bella Baby Photography

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Categories: Technology
Shreya Agarwal: A reader, a dreamer and a believer...