Top Cooking Apps For the Busy Mum or Bachelor, or Clueless Student!

You’re way too busy between cleaning after your toddler and replying to work emails and urgent projects. Who’s got the time or willingness to cook after exhaustingly long days?

Well, you will! These five cooking apps offer you convenience, ideas and most importantly, make you look all put together, taking care of the family and all (no one can really tell how overwhelmed you really are). Shall we explore your options?

Jamie Oliver’s 20 minute meals

It might be a little costly, but if it means having peace of mind for years to come, this app it’s worth every penny. Moreover its available for both Android and iPhone.

This well-designed and efficient app gives you detailed instructions, accompanied with pictures so you don’t get lost in the cooking jargon. You surely have 20 minutes to spare for cooking a healthy and hearty dish. Your excuses are no longer valid thanks to Jamie.

Shrimp Dumplings anyone?


This is an all-inclusive app, not only do you have all gathered delicious recipes, but you can easily share them online for all your friends to drool over. You get recommended recipes from established recipes websites such as Epicurious. Let your inner chef shine through, we say!

Eating Healthy in a Hurry

This app is perfect for when you don’t feel like cooking at all. This app by Eatingwell.com features a large variety of quick and healthy recipes that basically cook themselves.  Minimum effort and mouthwatering dishes, seems like your wishes have come true!

The app is free to download and has recipes that need no longer than 15 to prepare and cook!

Real Simple No time to cook

The well-respected online site has this interactive and very intuitive app, thanks to which you can prepare delicious recipes in less than 40 minutes. Plus, you get to compile grocery lists so you know you will have all necessary ingredients at hand, when its cooking time.

What’s your favorite cooking app that makes you look professional and experienced at dinner?


Categories: Technology
Mamta Verma: passionate writer