9 Simple Ways To Give Your Skin A Glow In The Harsh Summers

Harsh summers are here. We all are finding ways for escaping them but nothing can you from nature’s hot fury. In summers your skin looses its charm too and appears dull and rough. You cannot save yourself from these hot temperatures but can definitely save your skin from looking all scorched, tanned and patchy.

Change your skin care regime according to season by following these simple tips and get the glowing skin.

1. Hydrate

Your body dehydrates in summer months if you don’t take adequate amount of water and that will definitely show on your skin. Take enough fluids to quench thirst and keep your body hydrated. It is not necessary to just take water but you can increase your fluid intake by having fruit juices, lemonade, buttermilk and other such things. This will maintain your body water level and will flush out the toxins from the body giving you a clearer skin.

2. Eat the right food

What you eat clearly shows on your skin. Avoid having food items that are high on oils and salt instead add fruits like watermelon and cucumber in your diet. Also cut the intake of meat as it is hard to digest and raises the body temperature, which can result in ugly pimples.

3. Sunscreen

Don’t forget to step out of house without a good quality sunscreen with high SPF. A waterproof sunscreen won’t run down if you sweat in sun. Also don’t forget to apply it 30 minutes before going out. This not only prevents skin darkening and tan, they also protect you from harmful UV rays.

4. Exfoliate

In order to get a clear glowing skin one needs to remove the accumulated dead skin cells. One should exfoliate regularly, and not just the face but whole body. This can be done using exfoliating sponge or a body scrub.

5. Cleanse

One needs to cleanse twice a day to get rid of dirt and grim that has clogged the pores. Clogged pores can result in blackheads and acne. In summers one should preferably use a cleanser with aloe vera, cucumber or tea tree oils as they have a cooling effect.

6. Moisturise

It is summer that does not mean you should not moisturise your skin, but avoid oil based moisturisers and opt for water based moisturiser. Also the best time to moisturise is just after you get out of shower and skin is still damp to trap the moisture in the body.

7. Toning

Toning is very essential for balancing the pH level; removing dirt, toxins, makeup and giving a clear refreshing skin. Rosewater proves to be one of the beast natural toners.

8. Tan Removal

Getting a tan is the last thing a normal Indian girl ever wants. We take all measures to avoid getting a tan. When we get a tan we know all the home remedies to get rid of tan. Go for dadi nani ke nuskhe and remove the tan for a clearer glowing skin.

9. Exercise

Exercise helps in more than one way. You get rid of all the toxins from working out. You will loose those extra flab which you have gained because of winter foods. Also, it improves blood circulation and promotes supply of blood that gives the skin a natural and healthy glow.

Categories: Health & Beauty
Srishti Gosain: It all starts with a Smile.