Wanna Keep Your Hands Looking Young? Follow These Tips!

Hands are that part of the body that help us the most, they are the proof of the things we have been through, of the things that we have done to get where we are. yet, they are the most neglected part too, we do not take much care of them. Just getting a manicure, once a month is not the thing that will keep them in good condition.

You fear about the wrinkles and laugh lines on your face but have you thought about the ageing signs on your hands?

Here are a few tricks to maintain the youth of your hands.

1. Moisturised

Keep them moisturised all the time. When working in the kitchen, you have to wash your hands several times and while doing other work too, so keep them moisturised when you are done with those works. Apply a good moisturiser or natural oil on your hand before going to sleep too.

2. Sunscreen

Sunscreen is very important for the skin, whether it is on face or hands. It is the major thing that prevents the sun from making our skin look aged. Apply a moisturiser with SPF in it for the best results.

3. Exfoliate

Keep the dead skin cells away from your skin by exfoliating it regularly. you do not need to go to a salon all the time, just mix equal amount of sugar and olive oil and you will be left with dewy fresh and moisturised hands.

4. Manicure

get a manicure once a month and keep your nails nail paint free every once in a while. keeping your nails painted all the time may turn them yellow. So get the professional treatment for your hands at a salon every month.

5. Gloves when doing dishes

Always wear gloves when doing the dishes, it will prevent the harsh nature of the cleaning gel from stripping away the moisture from your hands.

Categories: Health & Beauty
Shreya Agarwal: A reader, a dreamer and a believer...