#Hats Off: 10 Women Baring Their Scars to Show You Their Inner Beauty!

You should never be ashamed of the scars on your body. You should never compare yourself to those girls in the magazines, cuz the truth it that there is no such thing called ‘Perfect’ and those girls themselves don’t look that way in real. Your scars are the sign of your bravery, they are the witness of your survival, of the fight that you fought, they are your story, they are the reason what you are today.

1. They’re kind of my “f**k you” to the male gaze. I got my scars from a bad rash I had as a kid, exacerbated by psoriasis in my early teens.I got them on my chest long before I knew my chest would become a sexual area, somehow tied up with overall desirability and feminine achievement. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve really learned to embrace them for that reason.They’re kind of my “fuck you” to the male gaze. You want to look at my tits? You’ll have to look at these too. –Amanda, 26

2. I love my scars, they are my breasts. My surgeon honored my wish for a flat result and I feel blessed to connect with and love my body unconditionally, I am happy with the aesthetics of my choice. I embrace this change with body positivity and grace.In a breast obsessed culture, deciding to be breastless without apology, without feeling the need to wear prosthesis, is a bravely beautiful and non-conforming choice. It has shown me that I am strong and centered, comfortable with my entire person.– Melanie, 46

3. Every time I look at them they give me strength. They are my badge of honor.Every time I look at them they give me strength. I feel lucky to be alive!In the beginning, I thought the scars were going to bother me but I have come to embrace them. — Shanna, 35

4. They remind me that, today, I’m alright. These scars are my evidence that I made it through the storm. For now.They remind me that, today, I’m alright.I’m very self-conscious of them, but behind closed doors when I see them in the mirror while I’m changing or in the shower, I really cherish them.They define a whole part of who I am and what I’ve survived.– Anonymous, 22

5. I am proud of my body… she did such a great job getting through the cancer treatment. My scars make me feel like a Rockstar, and this quote sums it up; “She made broken look beautiful and strong look invincible. She walked with the Universe on her shoulders and made it look like a pair of wings.”Scars are of old news past. The healthy healed skin reminds me that I am beautiful and strong. I am proud of my body, and not the proud that one needs to show off, but of the relationship I have with my own body — she did such a great job getting through the cancer treatment. — Laura, 36

6. My scars don’t affect the way I feel about myself at all. My scars don’t affect the way I feel about myself at all.Our bodies are just vessels that carry our spirit and is a channel for us to express ourselves in this physical world.I am blessed.– Mary Ann, 58

7. I embrace my burn fully now and think she’s beautiful and intriguing and mysterious. I was burnt with boiling water when I was 18 months old.I’ve always been curious because it feels so distant to me, like something that happened to someone else, but I see the pain it caused everyone, and now as a parent to an 18 month old myself, I acutely feel how hard that must have been for them.I hated my scar most of my life. It was big when I was little and covered most of my chest. Bathing suits and leotards were a nightmare for me. Kids called me “moon crater chest” and always made fun of me. I hid it until I was 22 years old. I could finally see my scar was small. I could see I wasn’t hideous anymore. I could see it was just another beautiful part of me. Slowly I built a wardrobe that showed off my burn. I was finally proud.I embrace my burn fully now and think she’s beautiful and intriguing and mysterious. — Elise, 37

8. I feel as if they are visible reminders of my life long physical and emotional challenges. My scars are a part of me — something that I have lived with over for many years. I feel as if they are visible reminders of my life long physical and emotional challenges.When I was young my scars defined me. As an adolescent, it was difficult to deal with all the emotions and restrictions that came with my illness. My scarred body was part of that package.As I started dating, I would use the person’s reaction to my scars and my medical history as a reflection of his character, but I was also very self-conscious.As I’ve grown older, my scars are the least of my problems.–Robin, 55

9. My scar represents a wound that is emotional as well as physical. My back was broken in a car accident. The scar is from a resulting thoracic spinal fusion.Before the accident I was a ballet dancer, afterwards I was lost and heartbroken.My scar represents a wound that is emotional as well as physical. I know that I am a survivor, that I am adaptive and that I can bend my will to accommodate the path put in front of me.– Mara, 40

10. It reminds me daily to be grateful for life. I got my scars in a severe car accident 10 years ago where my liver, ribs and spine (vertebrae) were injured.My scars tend to remind me that I am a warrior, when I start doubting in myself, and to remind me that everything that might seem as a problem today or situation that is bothering me, is nothing compared to what I’ve been through. It reminds me daily to be grateful for life.– Maja, 28

The story originally appeared here

Categories: Inspirations
Sukhmani Nayer: A girl who travels on nothing from nowhere to happiness.