8 Myths About Periods That You Need To Stop Believing!

I am sure you have heard a lot of myths about periods, and also believed some of them. But none of these beliefs are correct. It is time you get over those myths and learn the facts instead!

1. If you miss your period, you are pregnant

Well sometimes, but not always. Things like extreme change in weight and hormonal changes also causes you to miss your period.

2. You can’t get pregnant during your periods

Though the likelihood is low, it is proven that there are chances for women to conceive even while she menstruates.

3. Menstruating woman should not take bath

It is always said that taking bath at least once a day keeps you clean. Then why should a woman who is menstruating not take baths? These are just the never-ending old wives tales. You should take bath everyday, and specially when you are on your period.

4. A menstruating woman is impure

Menstrual blood is not very different from normal blood, and if a woman is menstruating, it means she is capable of giving birth to a new life. So there is nothing impure about menstruation.

5. A menstruating woman should not enter kitchen or a temple

This superstition is blindly followed in India and is actually baseless. Your periods won’t affect the taste/hygiene of your food, unless you don’t wash your hands after using the washroom; And neither would you interfere with any ritual/purity of the temple.

PS – I don’t mind NOT entering kitchen when I am menstruating. You cook, I eat.

6. There is nothing called Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)

PMS is just not in your mind; It actually is the result of the changes that are happening in your body.

7. Tampons will make you lose your virginity

Virgin women would have tighter vaginal openings which could make it difficult to insert a tampon; But you can insert a tampon gently and it won’t create a problem. And a virgin is someone who has never had sexual intercourse, so tampon won’t make you lose your virginity.

8. You should not go swimming when you have your periods

Swimming can sometimes ease your menstrual cramps. So use a tampon and go for that swim lady!

Categories: Health & Beauty
Vertika Khullar: Social Media Enthusiast. Free Spirit. Chicken Junkie. True Sagittarius.