You and your best friend were supposed to be together always like the BFFs but suddenly she is swept off of her feet by her knight in shining armor and you are left alone. And you thought that you would be jumping with excitement when your friend would find her love.
So here is actually what all you have to go through when your best friend finds a boyfriend:
1. You feel like a third wheel all the time
2. You are not able to find her, it’s like she is MIA
3. Whenever you try to make plans, she is already having some plan with her boyfriend in the exact same time
4. She only has one topic to talk about and that is her boyfriend. it is actually very annoying.
5. Whenever she is with you, she is always texting him and pays no attention to what you have to say.
6. She is always trying to hook you up with someone so you can go on double dates.
7. You feel so lonely that you regret not having many friends
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