Whether it is school, college or work, we just cannot imagine our lives without our best friends. They add flavour to life!
They always have our back and also kick our backside if need be. So here are a few things we love them for!
1. Waking us up before the lecturer sees us when we snooze off mid-lecture!
2. For being a patient listener when we are ranting on about our boy troubles!
3. For being your drinking partner and never letting you look like a fool alone!
4. For sharing their clothes with us!
5. For bearing with us when we want that fake candid shot for our social media profile photo!
6. For all those inside jokes that we can laugh about!
7. For cheering us up when we are feeling down!
8. For joining in on our weirdness!
9. For being our partner in crime!
10. For knowing our worst and best and still accepting us!
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