How to Pronounce Popular Foods With Ease

Last Updated:  | By: Food & Travel

With worlds ever expanding we are in a time where we are experiencing different cuisines in our day to day life. Coming from various cultures sometimes simplest of foods have such complicated names that its a task in  itself to pronounce those let alone having those at a fancy place.

We are being your guide in knowing how to say these with ease and ordering that without any hesitation:


  1. Cappuccino: A cappuccino is an Italian coffee drink which is traditionally prepared with espresso, hot milk and steamed milk foam.


2. Croissant: A croissant is a buttery, flaky, Vienna-style pastry named for its well-known crescent shape.


3. Champagne: Champagne is a sparkling wine produced from grapes grown in the Champagne region of France.


4. Macaron: A macaron is a French sweet meringue-based confection made with egg white, icing sugar, granulated sugar, almond powder or ground almond, and food colouring.


5. Jalapeno: A smooth dark green chili pepper named after Jalapa, the capital of Veracruz, Mexico. These peppers range in flavor from hot to very hot. The flavor is much milder if the seeds and veins are removed prior to use. Often found in salsas and as a pizza topping.


6. Nutella: Nutella is the brand name of a hazelnut-based sweet spread registered by the Italian company Ferrero.


7. Fondant: A thick paste made of sugar and water and often flavored or colored, used in the making of candy and the icing and decoration of cakes


8. Bruschetta: It  is a starter dish from Italy consisting of grilled bread rubbed with garlic and topped with olive oil and salt. Variations may include toppings of tomato, vegetables, beans, cured meat, or cheese.


9. Shrimp: A small free-swimming crustacean with an elongated body, typically marine and frequently harvested for food.


10. Hummus: A thick paste or spread made from ground chickpeas and sesame seeds, olive oil, lemon, and garlic, made originally in the Middle East.


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