If you find yourself irresistably drawn towards a new shade of lipstick and can’t resist the urge to buy one everytime you pass by that cosmetic shop, then congratulations girl!!! You are totally obsessed with lipsticks.

Your obsession with them will make you relate to the following completely.
1. Whenever your boyfriend tries to kiss you, the first thing that jumps into your mind- ‘Oh My God!! What should I do? My lipstick will get smudged’.

2. On days when you go out with lips looking their natural hue, people think you are sick or under the weather.
3. Everything you eat or drink has lipstick stain on it- Pillow cases, clothes to cutlery.

4. You know it quite well that you end up eating a Lot of lipstick you apply. Though it is not healthy but who cares, right?
5. Even your favourite emoji is the lipstick one.

6. You know about the specific code of every shade of lipstick- be it M.A.C or Bobbi Brown, Clinique, or Lakme

7. If your day is not going well, a lipstick is all that you need to cheer yourself up.
8. Your gang knows what cheers you up. So buying a present for you is not so difficult. Only they have gift you a voucher of your favourite make-up brand.

9. You check out girls more than boys to know what shade of lipstick they are wearing.
10. Heaven forbid if someone has a shade that you don’t own.
11. One dab of colour, and you can conquer the world.

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