5 Easy Home Remedies To Get Rid Of BlackHeads

Last Updated:  | By: Health & Beauty

These annoying blackheads, which no matter how hard you try, they come back. How can they be so stubborn? Why can’t they just go away? This is what happens with all of us. We all try every product shown in those somehow convincing commercials but no results.

Try these home remedies to get rid of them but don’t overdo while expecting quick results.

1. Egg white mask

Apply a thin layer of egg white over the affected area. Place a strip of facial tissue over the wet egg white and press it onto the skin gently. Allow it dry, followed by applying a second layer of egg white over it. When the mask is dry, peel the tissue off and wash your face to remove residue. Pat dry and moisturise.
egg white

2. Honey and milk strips

Mix 1 tbsp of honey with 1 tbsp of milk. Microwave for 5-6 seconds and again mix them well. When it is at comfortable temperature apply it to blackheads. Then gently press a clean cotton strip on that. Let it dry and carefully peel the strip away.

3. Lemon as a toner.

Blackheads are formed due to open pores so tightening pores can do wonders. Just apply lemon juice 3-4 times a week to the affected area at night and wash it off when you wake up in the morning.

4. Baking Soda & Water

Mix water with baking soda to form a thick spreadable paste. Massage it at affected area using gentle circular motions. Rinse with water, pat dry and moisturise.
baking soda water

5. Tomato Mask

Mash a medium sized tomato with a fork or your hands and apply it to your face or just the affected area. Rub for 2 minutes and leave it for 15 minutes. Wash it off and pat dry.


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